JC Aesthetics

Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents being able to do what we like best every pleasure.

BodyTite is a groundbreaking non-surgical solution for individuals concerned about loose skin and stubborn fat. It utilizes advanced radiofrequency energy and can be used in various body areas, making it an attractive alternative to traditional plastic surgery for both men and women.

BodyTite relies on radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL), suction energy, and other innovative technologies. This electro-surgical device delivers precise heat energy to liquefy fat cells, tighten skin, and stimulate collagen production. It provides three-dimensional contraction of dermal and subcutaneous tissues, yielding impressive body contouring results.

Ideal candidates for BodyTite are generally healthy individuals with localized fat concerns resistant to diet and exercise. However, those with specific contraindications like pacemakers, recent surgery, or certain medical conditions may not qualify. Preparing for the procedure involves medical tests, skin preparation, and discontinuing certain medications.

The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or sedation and involves making small incisions for the BodyTite handpiece. Post-treatment care includes wearing a compression garment for several weeks and rest. Patients can expect immediate results, with final outcomes becoming evident after a few months, though risks and side effects are minimal.



Who are ideal candidates for a BodyTite procedure?

Suitable candidates for BodyTite treatment are healthy patients with normal body weight but need areas of fat removed which are impervious to diet or exercise.

What are the risks associated with BodyTite?

The BodyTite procedure carries considerably fewer potential complications compared to traditional liposuction techniques. Patients may experience minor bruising and swelling after BodyTite, but these risks are minimal.

Does BodyTite have any side effects?

Like all treatments and procedures, there are some potential side effects associated with BodyTite. If BodyTite side effects do occur, however, they are typically mild and resolve quickly on their own. These may include Swelling, Bruising, Redness, Feeling of tightness

How long is recovery after BodyTite?

In the first 2 – 3 days after BodyTite, patients should expect mild pain, bruising, and swelling. The majority of patients feel comfortable returning to work within 1 – 2 weeks after their BodyTite treatment, though compressive garments will need to be worn around the clock for the first 1 – 2 weeks. Additional restrictions on physical activity may apply, depending on the extent of your treatment. Most patients notice visible improvements to their figure about one week after BodyTite, with the results continuing to develop over the following months as new collagen forms and the skin becomes tighter and firmer.

What Results Can You Expect?

Some outcomes will be obvious immediately after your treatment. Final results will take longer to appear. Within 3 months, you’ll see results – once the majority of the swelling has decreased. For up to a year, there will be gradually enhanced collagen growth with continuous tightening and an increasing glow. Over time, BodyTite causes 25-45% contraction of tissue along with tightening. So long as you maintain your weight within 5 to 10 pounds, the results of your BodyTite treatment will last for years to come