JC Aesthetics

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Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty, is a non-invasive procedure using injectable dermal fillers to reshape the nose without surgery. This quick, office-based treatment provides immediate results by correcting minor nose imperfections, enhancing volume, and addressing bumps or depressions.

Performed under local anesthesia, non-surgical rhinoplasty is a relatively safe and convenient option. However, potential side effects like swelling, bruising, and infection should be considered. Its temporary nature means that results are not permanent, necessitating periodic treatments to maintain the desired appearance.

While non-surgical rhinoplasty offers benefits like affordability, minimal downtime, and reversibility, it may not be suitable for those seeking significant nasal structural changes. It's best suited for individuals with realistic expectations and minor aesthetic concerns.

Combining non-surgical rhinoplasty with other facial treatments can create a balanced facial enhancement. It's essential to consult a qualified cosmetic surgeon to discuss individual goals and potential risks when considering this procedure, ensuring the most suitable treatment plan is chosen.



Is non-surgical rhinoplasty painful?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses an anaesthesia to numb the area being treated. Some people may experience slight discomfort during the injection, but this should be minimal and subside quickly. After the procedure, some may experience mild swelling, tenderness, or soreness in the treated area, but these effects are usually mild and should resolve within a few days. The surgeon will provide instructions on how to manage any post-procedure discomfort. Overall, non-surgical rhinoplasty is a relatively painless and well-tolerated procedure. However, everyone’s pain tolerance is different, and some people may experience more discomfort than others. If you are concerned about pain, it’s important to discuss these with your surgeon before the procedure so that they can take steps to ensure your comfort.

How long does it take to see the results of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty are visible immediately after the procedure. However, it is common for the treated area to be swollen or bruised for a few days after the procedure, which can make the final results difficult to see. It usually takes several days or weeks for the swelling and bruising to resolve, after which the final results of the procedure should be visible. Some people may notice additional changes in the shape of their noses as the filler settles into place over the course of several weeks. In general, the results of non-surgical rhinoplasty can last anywhere from several months to over a year. To maintain the desired results, patients must repeat the procedure periodically. It’s important to remember that non-surgical rhinoplasty is generally less effective at achieving significant changes in the shape or structure of the nose than surgical rhinoplasty. It may be suitable for making subtle improvements or maintaining results achieved through surgery, but it is not a good option for more extensive changes.

Can non-surgical rhinoplasty be combined with other rejuvenation treatments?

Yes, non-surgical rhinoplasty can be combined with other facial treatments to achieve a more comprehensive or balanced improvement in the appearance of the face. For example, non-surgical rhinoplasty can be combined with dermal fillers or other injectables to enhance other facial features, such as the cheeks or lips. It can also be combined with skin rejuvenation treatments such as laser resurfacing or chemical peels to improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Combining non-surgical rhinoplasty with other treatments can be a convenient way to achieve a more comprehensive improvement in the appearance of the face. It can also help create a more natural-looking result. However, it’s important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of combining treatments and the potential impact on the overall cost of the procedure. Suppose you are interested in combining non-surgical rhinoplasty with other facial treatments. In that case, it is important to discuss your options with a qualified cosmetic surgeon who can assess your individual needs and goals and advise you on the best course of treatment.

How much does non-surgical rhinoplasty cost?

The cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty varies depending on several factors, including the type and amount of dermal filler used, the complexity of the procedure, the doctor’s experience and reputation, and the geographic location of the practice. In general, non-surgical rhinoplasty is less expensive than surgical rhinoplasty. However, this is a rough estimate, and the actual cost of the procedure may be higher or lower depending on the specific factors mentioned above. It ranges from 25,000 to 1.5 lacs based on the various factors mentioned. It’s important to remember that non-surgical rhinoplasty is a temporary treatment that will need to be repeated periodically to maintain the desired results. This can add to the overall cost of the procedure over time. If you are considering non-surgical rhinoplasty, it’s important to discuss the cost of the procedure with your surgeon before the treatment is performed. They should be able to provide you with an estimate of the total cost and information about any financing options that may be available.