JC Aesthetics

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Hair fall during the pandemic is common, but understanding the difference between hair fall and hair loss is crucial. Hair fall is a natural part of the hair growth cycle, while hair loss indicates a disruption in this cycle, leading to reduced hair density and growth rate.

Hereditary hair loss, known as androgenic alopecia, affects both men and women. It's driven by genetic factors causing hair follicles to shrink and cease hair production. While it can start as early as the teens, it typically manifests later in life.

Several factors, including age, hair care practices, hormonal imbalances, stressors like childbirth or illness, scalp infections, medication, scalp psoriasis, and friction, can contribute to hair loss. Addressing these causes early can prevent permanent hair loss and may even promote regrowth.

Medical conditions like thyroid disease and cancer treatments such as chemotherapy can also result in hair thinning and loss. However, with appropriate medical intervention and treatments, regrowth is often possible, making early diagnosis and management critical.
